Tuesday, January 21, 2014

TOW #16: IRB- Eating Animals

In Jonathan Safran Foer’s Eating Animals, he continues his investigation of the food industry and tries to promote the idea that having a carnivorous diet might not seem as great as it does if you are ignorant to what truly happens in the food process. One chapter focuses on the environment, which clearly supports the idea that eating animals is not helpful due to the environment. It was quite intriguing reading this investigation due to the fact that the statistics were indeed strong and supporting, in addition to the spurts of humor that kept the reader from dozing off while reading about the food process.
Toward the end of the text, tied together his investigation and applying it to how it affects the average person. Until this point in his text, he has explained the issues of the food industry but not it directly affects those readers who would reply, “who cares?” With the use of a metaphor throughout an entire chapter, he transforms the dinner table for eating into a globe for the reader to visualize every person in the world dining at one location, including the pathways each bit of our food undergoes until it reaches our plates. With the use of such figurative language, Foer is successful in achieving his purpose due to the fact that he allows the reader to accept the investigating and also the reasoning to which it affects them; therefore, Foer not only addresses a problem in our society, but how it affects the reader in the long run. In my opinion, Foer successfully achieved his purpose with the devices of figurative language to tie everything “unclear” to the reader with mundane terms, in addition to using humor to keep the audience focused through the explanation of Foer’s investigation.
I would recommend this book to any reader, especially because this book was written for any reader in particular because the food process affects us all. I think it was both interesting and quite interesting because I didn’t realize there were so many issues with the food we eat regularly. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

TOW #15: Written Text- Take Pregnant Woman Off Ventilator?

This text resembling a debate almost, regards the decision to whether or not a woman who is pregnant should be taken off life support. While she is the prime example of thousands of people who are brain-dead yet remain alive through technological devices, the text analyzes the debate on weather people on live-saving devices deserve to have the plug pulled on them.

The author of the text is Cynda Rushton, who specializes in hospital ethics; therefore she specializes in this area of study and is face to face with this incredibly difficult issue on a daily basis. While the text is on an international source such as CNN, it suggests that the audience is any particular citizen because this decision is quite controversial due to the many different values people has when it comes to natural death, and keeping someone alive who cannot be saved. The context of the text is recently, as this issue regarding a pregnant woman on life support in addition to a teenaged girl who also was on life support and the news of her was on national news sources. With many examples of Americans faced this unimaginable decision about keeping their loved one alive as a vegetable, the bigger picture, or propose of this text is to analyze whether or not a law or just a moral code that is the family’s decision is needed to make such a vital decision concerning human life.

One key appeal that the text appeals to is obviously pathos, mostly because the text in concerned with an emotional topic such as a loved ones life. A majority of the audience will not be able to know what it truly feels like to be in that scenario, but through imagining it the author will reach their purpose because of the emotions connected to allowing someone to die in their loved one’s hands. I truly believe that this text was effective because of its current examples of people on life support, and through the emotional appeal people will soon ask the same questions as the author did in this text.

This text can be found at: 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

TOW #14: Written Text- Homophobia in the World of Sports

As 2013 concluded it seemed to be another great year in the sports world, however with the recent news regarding Chris Kluwe and his former coaches some are having second thoughts on how great this past year was in sports. This article addresses the homophobic attitude that seems to be present in several sports across the board, even though there have been many courageous statements from famous athletes who have told the media that they were indeed homosexual. One athlete, Chris Kluwe was interviewed after his head coach clearly stated his anti-gay beliefs during practice one day.

The article is written by Hudson Taylor, a coach who also gives back to the community by helping those who are having a tough time admitting they are homosexual, therefore he sees how cruel the world is toward these individuals on a daily basis. With the context being today, the article is suggesting that possibly this next year of sports can be successful on the scoreboard and also for every athlete, no matter their personal beliefs. The audience is not a specific group, however with it being CNN it can be inferred that it is for the public to know because this issue is found throughout the world, not just in sports.

The purpose of the text is to inform the public of this issue of the sports world in which homophobia is present among many of the coaches, players, and even some fans. Taylor uses compare and contrast as a rhetorical device in order to achieve her purpose by using two different athletes in his text, quarterback Aaron Rodgers and previously stated Chris Kluwe. By comparing Rodgers (An elite quarterback) to a not so famous punter who supports same sex marriage, it helps Taylor with her purpose because Rodgers is loved by millions yet Kluwe is not known by many and Kluwe is more of the average player who is actually a free agent as of now. Therefore the league and fans show support against homosexuality, which is the main purpose that Taylor is trying to inform his audience in his text.

Former punter for the vikings Chris Kluwe, who was targeted by his coaches for believing in same sex marriage. The link to this article can be found at http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/05/opinion/taylor-sports-homophobic/index.html?hpt=op_t