Sunday, October 13, 2013

TOW #5: Visual Text- Apple and Eve

While eating lunch today and thinking about my visual TOW for the week, I realized that my apple juice would be interesting to analyze. My Mom has bought apple juice for me since my elementary school days; therefore, by analyzing the bottle I could figure out why this product is so popular for parents with kids of all ages.

Apple and Eve Apple Juice Company does more than just to identify their product with the label, they persuade parents to buy their product. They specialize in various juices that vary from apple, to orange to juice box flavors. First of all, the bottle is only 10oz of juice, thus it is obvious that this sized portion of juice is suitable for a child’s lunch because they will need a beverage but not a portion too large. The bottle also has apples pictured all over the label in large print showing that their product is “100% Juice”.

This is emphasizes that parents will be feeding their child the nutrients of an apple and not concentrated chemicals; they want to show parents that their kids are worthy of true juice. Statistics such as 100% daily value of Vitamin C are printed on the front of the bottle, these statistics support the idea that not only will your kids enjoy this drink, but it will be beneficial to their health as well. 

The bottle is strategically created to stand out at the aisle of the supermarket. When parents are shopping for kid’s school lunches, they will easily be persuaded by the manageable size and also statistics on the bottle to purchase this apple juice over other brands. Due to the obesity and health issues of the newer generations of America, parents will look for healthier choices for their children, and they will now be influenced into buying this healthy apple juice. After analyzing the bottle and its strategically made label, it is obvious that the maker of this Apple and Eve product successfully achieve their purpose of creating an attractive yet persuading product through the label on their juice bottle.

I must say the juice was a refresher after writing this TOW

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