Sunday, October 20, 2013

TOW #6: Written Text- "A Travesty of Justice"

Shortly after the final decisions of the Trayvon Martin case were released this summer, writer Susan Abulhawa wrote this article in response to the verdict that allowed George Zimmerman to be free man. While beginning the article with the basic information regarding the Trayvon murder case, Abulhawa uses pathos to appeal emotionally to her audience and stress the fact that a teenager who had yet to experience life’s beauty was murdered in cold blood, and his murderer was never punished. After explaining the details of the murder and her opinion on why Zimmerman should have been convicted of murder, Abulhawa then expresses her belief that this case was fueled by racism towards African Americans.

The audience of the text is particularly any citizen, however based off Abulhawa’s purpose, it is obvious that it is directed towards ethnicities (predominantly Caucasians) who are the ones fueling the racism and prejudice towards innocent citizens. The purpose of Abulhawa’s article is to use the Trayvon trial to showcase her belief that “African American men are targeted from the time they are born”.

In addition to using the Trayvon Martin murder trial as support to express her idea, Abulhawa also used other examples of racism towards African Americans. These include crimes such as rape and murder, however the individuals targeted for committing the crimes were never actually involved, but were only suspected because of the color of their skin.

Abulhawa successfully reaches her purpose with the use of pathos to connect to her audience. Since she wrote the essay to convince the majority who are indifferent to the cause, the use of pathos was strategically used in order to connect to the emotions of the audience. By using phrases such as, “Black bodies are worthless and expendable” the audience will now hopefully realize how cruel and indifferent they are to the racism present in the Trayvon Trial, and ultimately will feel embarrassed to create the scenario where a boy was murdered, yet the murderer will never be punished for the crime solely based off the fact that the boy was an African American. 

Link to Susan Abulhawa's Article

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